My two cents worth

Never try to manage an autistic; it is easier to engage one. When one is managing one is just clearing up the mess. Instead it is better to keep them engaged.

Try not to say don’t do something, instead try and give him alternatives.

Be lavish in your praise, it gives their self esteem a boost

The initial steps are the most difficult; it only gets better further down. Getting him to sit for 5 minutes to do an activity seems like a herculean task, once the barrier is broken, you will find him sitting longer as days goes by. Making him string the first bead is the biggest challenge. Always think the worst is behind you.

When you put a question to him give him choices as it makes it easier for him to answer.

Be accepting of his shortcomings, as he is trying harder than you. My personal experience has made me feel it is not always a straight trajectory that zooms once you get started. It is bumpy ride, with lots of UPS and DOWNS.

It is important to make him feel he is understood even when you don’t comply to his demands immediately.

Try and plan his day so that the empty slots are filled up. Don’t let him too much to himself. Temple Grandin, PH.D, one of the most accomplished autistics;  says that when to left to themselves they find it difficult to get out of the behavioral stims they get into .For example my son can line up for hours, left to himself. He needs to be distracted pulled out of it and engaged in an alternate activity.

As the son –rise program puts it the need of the hour is these three E’s. It cannot be said better. You have to believe in yourself that you can do it, for the sake of your child.




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