Schools in Hyderabad and Tiruchi

              This school, Saandipani, in Shanti nagar is in Hyderabad. It follows the Waldrof curriculum that does not have a mass appeal with parents of regular kids. It works for our kids feels a mother of an autistic kid. The school believes in lot of physical activities, the academic sessions start only at 11.30. They teach more of vocational skills such as stitching and carpentry. After the gym, OT , and exercises , the mother feels the child is more focused. There are no deadlines. Her son is in the 5th grade. The best part she says, I don’t have to nag him, and he feels it is his responsibility to do his work. I feel that is major, major …. (Guess it cannot be emphasized enough) learning. Today he writes A-Z, numbers independently and she feels it is an accomplishment to be proud of it. Earlier he was doing a whole lot of academics, none of it independently. ABA is an absolute NO -NO with her son. The Waldroff curriculum is based on the principles of Rudolf Steiner. According to him a regular kid is not ready for academics till the age of 7 and a special child till the age of 12. No wonder this philosophy has no takers in India.
                     The other school in Tiruchi, Shivananda balalaya in Srinivasa nagar is a mainstream school with a separate set up for special kids. They gradually integrate the children. The mother, I spoke to says her daughter, a CP child is attending school here. There are autistic children also. And the children are taken care of. They also allow shadow teachers. The student –teacher ratio is 4:1.
                            As the loreal ad with Aishwarya Rai goes “5 problems, one solution…………….” an ad for schooling for autistic kids should probably be something like this “I problem, multiple solutions, no guarantees”.  Anyway the parents cannot be blamed for want of not trying. Montessori, TEACCH, ABA,  Waldroff,  to state syllabi, different techniques, different methodologies  work for our  children. Jo  Jeeta wohi sikander.                       


Nimisha said…
i have also always felt that sending the 2-3 yr old kids to school is so so brutal! i hope i'd be able to home school mine, when and if at all i have any, and then send them for formal schooling at about 5-6.

also, on a different note altogether, if i remember correctly, it's Ramam's b'day on the 6th, na? He asked me to come on time the next year..:D
so here i am, Ramam. To ask again, for my cake piece, from the cake which your Mummy will bake! :)
Hope you have a very happy 10th birthday, Ramam!! God Bless.
viji said…
Schooling is a major issue,each one to their own.
The invite still stands,Ramam will be delighted to share his b'day cake with u.
Raju said…
Hi, May I know where this Saandipani School located in Hyderabad. Can I have address with land marks and contact Telephone numbers?

I am looking for a special school in Hyderabad for my Son.

Raju said…

Can someone help me to find where Saandipani school located in Hyderabad. Can I have complete address and contact details about this school?

I am looking a special school in hyderabad for my son.

viji said…
I met this mother long back when she had come down to blore, and am not in touch with her. The only address detail I have is it is in Shanti Nagar.
viji said…
I met this mother long back when she had come down to blore, and am not in touch with her. The only address detail I have is it is in Shanti Nagar.
vidya said…
Hi Raju, The address of the Sandipani school you are looking for is at Shantinagar, Masab tank, Behind JNTU campus. Hyderabad. As vijji said its really a good school for special kids.

Good luck
Anonymous said…
Hi Vidya,
Is it possible to get the contact number of Saandipani school, I am not in hyderabad at the moment.
NagaKishore said…
Hi Raju,

Please find the contact address of Saandeepani as below.

Address -
Municipal number 10-2-289/120/15
House number 316/RT,LIG
P.S Nagar, Vijaynagar Colony

Phone number-
040-23372036 (Mon. to Fri. 9am to 3pm IST and Sat. 10am to 12 pm IST)

Hope this should help

Reshma said…
Culture is good in this school.

Kpn Travels
Unknown said…
It's very Informative Blog and thanks for sharing with us Best Nursery School in Hyderabad
Unknown said…
How old are your kids? And do they go to the home run place for full day or half? I am still not sure what place I would choose if I had to start working and send her for the whole day. But I am happy with my choice for the half day place I found for her.Best Preschools list
Mahender said…
Best Schools in Hyderabad
Open Minds is one of the best schools in Hyderabad who is providing world-class Academic Curriculum that is based on the best global practices, high-end facilities and use of latest technologies.
Sudarshan said…
Hi everyone, my daughter has mild autism/ADHD at present she can independently write and can sit in one place, but could not speak up to the age group , she is having very good memory and able to reproduce anything by seeing at one glance. Her maths skills are outstanding. Just we would to seek following information
1) so far she did her schooling at home, We want to put in mainstream school for the 3 rd class (age 8 yrs). In hyderabad which school we can try for?
2) if the school have speech therapy would be added advantage.

Any suggestions or information is highly appreciated.
Anonymous said…

Would you mind sharing your email address, I have 4 year old girl with mild ASD / ADHD features.

We have difficulty in teaching her premath skills and writing skills. Can you share your experience with your kid and how you succeeded to write and comprehend?

Unknown said…
butterfly therapy center is one of the best autism schools in hyderabad. loacated at miyapur x roads hyderabad.
providing various therapies like
1.[ABA] Applied Behavior Analysis
2.Special Education
3.Speech Therapy
4.Occupational Therapy
5.Sensory Integration
6.Activity of daily living skills
contact : mobile: 91-8790900407
Great Blog . Thanks for sharing this blog this blog is important to us.

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