Shut down In Support Of Autism

                                             Autism charities in more than 40 countries are joining forces to launch a global campaign challenging the world’s 4.5 billion social media users to shutdown their networks just for one day on 1 November 2010.The million dollar question is can you get on for a day without being on twitter or face book. It is an initiative launched to raise funds and awareness for autism. You can make a donation to receive a CHAPP that signals your shutdown across the social networking sites.
                                        In the words of Rachael Harris, a counselor and supporter “Electing to shutdown social communication mirrors autistic silence. But it also draws attention to the isolation and intense loneliness experienced by those who are impeded from connecting socially with others. The CHAPP is a powerful way to create a true sense of empathy towards those on the autism spectrum." The CHAPP tells your friends and followers on Face book and Twitter that you are volunteering to shutdown with an online shutdown badge. It is an effort to make people understand what autistic children go through in their everyday lives. More on this in their website
                                                 I remember, long back my husband decided to go mum for half a day to mirror Ramam’s silence. He found it very difficult and we wondered how Ramam copes with it every day. Children in the spectrum face communication difficulties, but it is probably more difficult for the non verbal kids. Many a times with Ramam,we have realized  the fact that we have understood him, his demand has been acknowledged makes him calmer. It is not necessary that we yield to him every time.I was just recalling this incident with Ramam hat happened a year back


raji said…
Hi friend ,this is rajashree.I too have a son pranav who has autism and adhd,he is improving..but at his own pace.My problem deals not only with autism,but also with ADHD .I recently started blogging and iam also thinking on starting a blog related to my experiences with my son.And i have been following ur blog since 4 years from now.
raji said…
and yes ,forgot to mention even i will try to shut down .
viji said…
United we stand! Glad to note u are starting a blog. Welcome to blogging.what is ur blog id?

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