Life ...

I decided to hang up my uniform and relocate to Bangalore. This should provide stability to Ramam's life which otherwise is subjected to continuous transfers. While they are getting adjusted to their new life, I thought i should chip in and add a few lines to the blog. A picture is better than a thousand words they say. And so .. thats it .. the journey of Mom and her son, student, companion, life :-)


Anonymous said…

Just came upon your blog. well written, with a lot of heart.

Loved the gfcf recipes. Keep up the good work, for the sake of all parents, and our dear children.

Mohan said…
Thanks Ajai for those encouraging words and good luck with your child. Share your views and experiences .. it will help another child. I have always felt that lot of their frustration stems from the fact that they have feelings which they cannot express. If we understand them, and also let them be what they are at times .. like line up, shout, or rock, they tend to be very composed.
Thanks again

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