Thank you all for being gracious and agreeing to be a part of this series on neurodivergent entrepreneurship. I am deeply grateful to each of you.

Joel Godi: Joel strongly believes in the importance of self-advocacy and urges young  people on the spectrum to go on an entrepreneurial journey as early as possible in order to reach their full potential.
Nehal Tiwari: Nehal is pleased to have made her passion into a career, she speaks of the joy of entrepreneurship.
Qazil Fazil Azeem: Qazil discusses the need of an entrepreneurial mind set that sees failures as learning experiences and availability of resources to see it to fruition. His advice is to start small, validate ideas, seek advice and feedback and take calculated risks.
Midhun Noble: To keep the entrepreneurial boat afloat, Midhun Noble believes in resilience and a strong support system. He encourages a creative thinking process to bring in originality to solve problems and overcome obstacles.
Aalap Deboor: Entrepreneurship has helped Aalap discover sides to his personality that he didn't know existed. According to him, entrepreneurship, like so many things, is a vast spectrum. Dynamic, it needs tremendous discipline and lots of compromise.
Carole Jean Whittington:  To Carole, success is not a static list. When we can get compassionately curious, in communication, and in just connection, from one human to another. We're elevating our performance, we're elevating our business, we're elevating humanity. And we're also eliminating those barriers to access.
Varun Sawant: Varun has never thought of autism as an impediment, but as an advantage in channelising his strengths, enabling him to become an entrepreneur.
Emily Elsworth: Entrepreneurship has given her flexibility and ability to put in the accommodations that have helped her thrive and not struggle. Emily says having a mentor has helped her start out as an entreperenur.


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