Rohan Dixit- Part-2

1) Congratulations! Rohan on completing a year of blogging. How enjoyable was the ride?

Thank you. It has been great and I have been enjoying it completely. I love writing about supercars, especially the ones I have seen or photographed myself. I also enjoy researching and finding information about the supercars I write about as it helps me get to know them better. Every individual supercar is interesting to me and it is my mission to document as many of them as I can and tell the stories behind them if possible. I just recently spotted a Ferrari so that was pretty amazing.


2) You have been home-schooled. What according to you are the pros and cons?

Homeschooling has been a good thing for me. Not only I could learn the normal subjects but I also had the time to focus on having other experiences in my life like going out to different places and so on and then of course getting the time to focus on my interest in supercars. I don’t think there were any cons.


3) Your thoughts on your family

My parents, grandparents and my whole family have been a big support for me and they have been there for me throughout my life. Actually I would like to talk about my uncle here because I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for him.

My uncle is also a supercar fan and actually has his own website where he blogs about supercars himself. When I was just a child he realized my interest in supercars and became my mentor. He guided me throughout my journey in the world of cars, always encouraged me and never doubted my abilities. He is the one person I always talk to about supercars or whenever I need any help with any of my blog posts or even just in general. I will say this again. I would not be where I am today if not for him because he has been my mentor, best friend and biggest supporter.


4) As a cofounder of C.A.R.E, why do you think self-advocacy is important?

I am among the first generation of people in the country who got diagnosed autistic as a child. Now most of us are young adults and we are pretty experienced with our different kinds of special needs. Many of us want to guide younger kids and help them with their journey living with special needs. It will help the younger kids hearing from those who have already been through the same journey before. That is why self advocacy is important.


5) What do you see yourself doing with your interests in automobiles, sports, and photography?

Like I said I want to document as many supercars as possible so I cant wait to see where that leads me. I don’t know what supercar I will photograph next and that to me is the most exciting part of the whole thing.


6) Your thoughts on inclusion.

Efforts for inclusion are important as it can really make a difference for us people with special needs. I have noticed a lot more inclusion within the last 5 years compared to when I was a child so the efforts are indeed working. So you guys need to make sure that efforts for inclusion continues.
Thank you Rohan.


Unknown said…
Awesome reading Rohan, I loved the 4th point most. Best wishes for you.

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