RPM and Son-rise

RPM ( Rapid prompting method) and Son rise  techniques presume  the same things , the competence of the child. The abiding faith in both these techniques is that the child holds a lot of promise.
                       The RPM is a technique that was started by Soma Mukhopadhyay to teach her autistic son Tito .
                              I started RPM with Ramam  about two- three month s back. It is very encouraging when he requests for RPM sessions which he calls TALK Time. In the initial sessions , it is imperative to boost the child's confidence and ensure he gets to give the correct answers. There is little testing involved in the initial stages.It can be used to work on academics, communication....what RPM has done is, it has  encouraged me to look at academics again. As a matter of fact , RPM has encouraged  me to start teaching him again. I was focusing  only on communication last 2-3 years.
                              I am a newbie  at this. RPM has had its share of controversies.  However , it has given me a new focus. Unless you teach them, how do they learn?  They might  learn some from the environment, but as they sorely lack in pragmatic language they are not going to question or request you . My nine yr old daughter is so inquisitive and she wants answers to all her questions.
                     Recently I did an RPM session with him on a book "Just saving my money". The next day we opened a piggy bank for him at home. He was excited with the idea. Next day he mentioned the word  saving account. Although I am not sure, how much has he actually understood.  I involved him in online shopping for Diwali. He was happy to receive the Tshirt he had ordered.

                  As I mentioned earlier, both the techniques give you hope. The blog  by lencrandall helps us understand RPM.   Soma's  books also help you understand the nuances as what kind of a learner your child is . Is he an auditory/visual /selective visual learner. This helps you to adapt your teaching method to suit the child.
                 RPM as I see is another chance to take control of things for Ramam and teach him something new everyday.



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