Global Autism Convention

The global autism convention is being held in Bangalore on the 19th, 20th and 21st of this month at NIMHANS convention centre. Various institutions from Bangalore are collaborating to make this event happen.  ASHA (academy for severe Handicaps and autism) , Autism society of India, IRC, KPAMRC, Spastics Society of Karnataka, St. John’s Hospital, Parivar National federation of Parents’ organization. The Key note address is being given by Ms. Merry Barua. Speakers both from India and abroad will be addressing the gathering. Besides workshops are also being organized on various topics on information and computer technology, play therapy to mention a few.
                   For more information, one can visit their website. The registrations are on. More importantly they have organized for respite care for the three days at the venue @Rs.200 a day. For parents who have already registered, and for those who would like to attend and wondering where to leave their child, this is a piece of good news.
                         I understand a huge amount of effort has gone into organizing a meet of this magnitude. It is in the interest of caregivers to avail this golden opportunity. For more information you can also contact Kannika Iyengar .Her contact number  is 91 99800 16052.


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