Voices For Autism

The ALFAA (Assisted Living for Autistic Adults) and the autism society of India together organized a day of fun and frolic for the autistic children at the ASHA (army) centre for developmental disabilities, commemorating the children’s day celebrations. More importantly, an update on the disability act, (RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2010 – INCLUSION AND FULL PARTICIPATION) and census were also taken up and discussed at length. A new law for disabled persons is being chalked out and is likely to be formalized sometime early next year. A lot of thought has gone in to drafting the recommendations that have been sent forward to the Centre at Delhi. The purpose of today’s agenda was twofold, one primarily to educate the parents on the far reaching consequences of the law once it comes into effect; and secondly to encourage active participation of parents at least at the state level.
                                       There was a sense of urgency as the new law that would be enacted would be valid for the next 25 yrs. It is very important for the autism community, that Autism be included as a disability in the Act for only then can they get the amenities that are sorely lacking. Presently, the census has not included autism under the main classification of disabilities. This is a major disadvantage, as the autism community is not able to voice its concerns. As the law is too lengthy to be discussed in one sitting, it was decided that two chapters on education and rehabilitation be taken up. Smaller sub groups were formed of parents, to help attend to requirements of education and age related issues.
                                           The session concluded with everybody partaking lunch and planning with renewed vigour for more cohesive action. For further enquiries and suggestions   the Autism society of India, Bangalore chapter can be reached at autismsociety@gmail.com      


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