Cognitive series

 Starting a new series on cognitive diversity.

Two moms found this post and chose it to be a topic of discussion. The idea of a series was born there. We could get an interesting glimpse of their thoughts and their interpretations of cognitive diversity.
Sanjith is a non speaking autistic and communicates mostly using Avaz.His mother, Prashanthi, read out the post to Sanjith. He has his own page, Rumble with Sanjith. Here are his views.
Sanjith: I think no two people have the same thoughts.
Prashanthi: When these people come together?
Sanjith: They get innovative; new system will develop. Miracles happen on(with) discussion.
Prashanthi: Where do you think change should come?
Sanjith: Schooling, Teachers are to be educated, that not all kids learn in the same way.


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