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Back to blogging after a break.  These  summer vacations were relatively stress free, thanks to my daughter.She is the best volunteer I have had to date. I have been receiving mails from parents wanting to know more about NAET and the son -rise prog.  We do not follow any diet restrictions for Ramam after having started NAET. I think the approach where you keep the child off certain foods during the testing  towards a particular allergen or a group of them in itself must be aiding in the process.It ensures you don't overdo anything.There are a couple of centers in Bangalore. I find the one in Kormangala is slightly commercialised. As in India, as with anything else, there is  a dilution of protocols. They absolutely  do not like any kind of questioning and expect you to follow their instructions in blind faith. Right now, I go to a NAET centre in  Cox town. Her case load is lesser and maybe as  she is still starting out,  she is a lot more approachable and sincere.
                                    As for the son-rise program, Ramam is no longer exclusive in  his 'isms'  , if that is the word for it. He invites either me or my daughter to join him. Sometimes it is easier to join him in his  'ism ' (stim) rather than stopping it. His latest being to watch cooking videos on You -tube. He is so intent in watching them that I sometimes find him lip -synching with the chef. So the best way is to join him and ask him questions as what did the chef use/ what is he making. His whole body language changes, he is more inviting . He is no longer protective about the i-pad. My husband mimics Chef Sanjeev kapoor of the Khana Khazana fame, as an extension of joining him in his 'isms', ramam's face breaks into a huge smile. He also understands that he is being teased subtly. Also, recently it was pointed out to me, rather than agonise over the inappropriate behaviour and devise strategies to tackle it, it might be wiser to focus on the work skills as these behviours then come down automatically.
                                 Recently, I reorganised the apps on his i-pad, removing some, adding some.There were too many apps and it was quite cluttered. So, I basically then made it clutter free, the first principle of son-rise. Talking of apps, I came across some very good apps for speech.They are:
Go togethers
Conversation coach
Outdoor fun.
Multiple meaning library
Tapikeo HD
The tree I see
Magical concepts
Mayan quest.
SLP Minimal pairs for articulation.

                              I wonder why I never thought of looking up speech blogs  earlier, Just kept looking for blogs on autism, as usual , missing the obvious .  Twenty speech blogs might be a good point to start off with. While on the subject of language, some of us parents were discussing the  skill set required, and ths particular observation came up. I generally tell Ramam "Wear your shoes". As another mother, Divya pointed out, for the child  it could be were ,wear, or where?. Better way to put it  would be "Put on your shoes". Gramatically also, the latter one is correct. Rather than say, "See,this",  say , "Look at this". Small things, but it then makes a lot of sense. How do you overlook these things when you have a child on the spectrum with language difficulties.
                               Raising a child with autism also raises a hell lot of self doubts , as has been so in the recent past with me. Actually, one of the reasons I refrained from blogging. Everytime a certain sense of inadequacy creeps over you, to overcome it and move forward takes a certain amount of determination. The guilt of burden of having not done things right is huge. And on a more , philosophical note, the present is the only thing in your control, not the past or the future. So make the most of it. Anyways, have decided to post more regularly, till then , take care.




BTW, did you test for yeast infection anytime? If yes, then where and which test? I am advised to do CDSA (stool) for this but that is Rs 12000 cost and the sample will be sent to USA. I would prefer any less costly way to detect yeast in my 5.5 yr old child.

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