A New Beginning

The long summer holidays are over   and he is back to school. (my hols have begun!) . Ramam begins this academic year in BUBBLES run by Sharbani at Hennur. Yes, I do miss him in that he has been my constant companion last 3 months. With both kids back to school there seems to be so much time on my hands to spare. It is back to surfing, blogging….
                      Talking of school, what then comes to your mind is that a good school has to provide for opportunities for the child to SOCIALISE primarily, in a group which as an individual one cannot provide. That includes, communicating in a group, learning in a group, learning to share, taking turns, waiting…… all this apart from the basic education they receive. Socializing is probably best done for an autistic child in a school, probably because it would be done in controlled situations or there are teachers to encourage and monitor social skills which can then be translated to more general situations.
             There is always this confusion in our minds as to the right things we can do for our children/ or the fact that are we doing enough?  For now, he seems to have settled down in Bubbles. That is a huge relief because I really want him to make huge strides in his communication. He is lucky to be with Sharbani at this point of time.
              I wonder if it is the age factor he is becoming more ‘autistic’, in his insistence on us wearing a particular set of clothes, things being in their places, (picking up a vessel form the kitchen sink and placing it back on the table), not being able to accept his father’s presence mid way thru dinner. It is worrisome and every time there is a setback, you begin to fret, question yourself, and pull out your social stories …. We have been at it for 11 yrs now and there is a pattern to it. Every time you are down, you pull yourselves up, and just keep going. Sometimes one honestly wishes things are a little easier.
                   BTW, Ramam cleared his OBE-1 which he appeared from ASHA. That is some some news to cheer!


Ajit said…
Dear Viji,

I have been following your blogs for a while now. I am the inventor of Avaz, the first AAC device in India. My company, Invention Labs, developed this device in collaboration with a number of special schools in Bangalore and Chennai.

I'd like to get in touch with you. Can you please contact me at ajitn@avaz.in? You can also see more about Avaz at www.avaz.in

Thank you for the wonderful job you are doing with your blog!


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