Early Intervention

Early intervention goes a long way in helping children with autism, has now been proved beyond doubt. As I recall ramam’s initial diagnosis, the umpteen assessments, visits to therapists, coming to terms wih the diagnosis, the innumerable sleepless nights, the will to battle autism, the gamut of emotions are so huge as to last a lifetime. With early intervention we can nurture the young children into autistic adults with certain deficiencies.Yes, of course it is a spectrum disorder.The initial years are so crucial especially working on his fine motor,gross motor, eye contact, eye hand corodination, social and communication skills. The stress is never on academics.The book, a guide to understaning early intervention, early development and care by Suma shastri, IRC,is a well written document  that the emphasises the need for early intervention, the early warning signs,to watch out for.The book also mentions in the various developmental milestones  to be achieved by a child in chronological order. Qoestions as to when to seek occupational, speech thrapies have also been answered.The book is available on sale.The last chapter is a mention of resources available for early intervention.The books and websites are as follows;

1.         Child Development 2000 and Beyond by MCK Nair and R.K. Pejavar, Prisom Books, Bangalore.

2.         Child Growth and Development by Hurlock. G.B., McGraw Hill Publishers.

3.         Child Development (seventh edition) by Laura E.Berk, Prentice-Hall India Books.

4.         Simple Steps, Developmental Activities for Infants, Toddlers and Two Year Olds by             Karen Miller, Viva Books.

5.         Bridging; assessment for teaching and learning in Early Childhood Classrooms.
            By Jie-Qi Chen, Gillian Dowley.

6.         Making Toys for Preschool Children by Miller & Gibbs.

Web Links:

1.         The Whole Child – for parents @ www.pbs.org/wholechild/parents.
2.         Child & Family Web Guide parent info on child development @ www.cfw.tufts.edu.
3.         Child Development Reference Vol 4 @ www.social.jrank.org/4/child-development.
4.         Illinois Early Intervention Training Home Page @ www.illinoisetraining.org
5.         Developmental Disability, Early Intervention @ www.firstsigns.org
6.         The Early Childhood Gateway @ www.mdecgateway.org
7.         Zero to Three Brain Development @ www.zerotothree.org
8.         National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) @ www.naeyc.org.
9.         Center for Disease Control and Prevention @ www.cdc.gov
10.       National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities @www.nichy.org


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