Dance and Drama Workhop-Part 2
In the older lot, the children were asked to express their feelings for the oppoite sex.What did x feel about Y? The parents were asked to comment on their dreams and fears for their children. For those of the children who could express themselves, either by writing or verbally, they were encouraged to do so. For the rest, the parents put in their aspirations and fears. Some of the individual dreams were that they could encourage their childrens’ culinary skiils, music talent, painting interest, to become a chef, musician, and painter. Data entry was also one of he options mentioned. As one of the boys put it in his own words, “I do not want my mother to be hurt, I want to be able to take care of my bag and mobile”…., to me the depth of their thoughts and concern was amazing. Some of the common fears were What after us? Self defense Ability to take care of their belonginings Financial dealings Any major health ailments Anybody taking undue a...