
Showing posts from August, 2015

The crocodile's teeth, an attempt at creative writing

A story told by Ramam, with some inputs from me. He began the story saying there was a crocodile and something  got stuck in it's teeth. The crocodile wanted to remove it.  I asked him how to go about it and he suggested using a tooth brush. I said neither the crocodile has hands or tooth brush, We  had recently read a passage on invention of tooth brush, where earlier people used animal hair for the brush. So he suggested we use  tiger's hair and the lion could brush the teeth for the crocodile. The story ends with a simple " Thank you" and  "welcome" by the crocodile and lion respectively.

Sentence construction board

The sentence board has a long story to it. It had its humble beginnings with a carpenter going about the simple task of cutting a piece of plywood at home. However a lot of foresight, planning went into it. Frankly speaking the sentence board was way ahead of its time.   It was my hubby’s idea. Soon the board was ready and therein began the task of deciding what words Ramam would want to use in his everyday life.                      A quick inventory of his favourite food, activities, and objects was taken. This was easy, we were just looking at nouns.  I am a pro at this, having done this inventory taking with various therapists trying to teach him various things such as making choices, language, fine motor skills. Then came the verbs, adjectives, phrases, (I want, I don’t want, please give me). And then a long list of all the helping verbs, prepositions, conjunctions...