Into adolescence

The blog has been in need of a make over for ages . The header is no longer relevant. My charming boy is now a preteen and is as tall as me. He continues to enthral us, pique us, and even dare his father sometimes with his show of strength. For most part , he is still the silent companion but he did pull in a surprise, when he was chosen for a music fest program , where he is one of the singers!!!. He is a lot verbal today than he was, the phrases are there , the sentences are emerging. My eternal battle with the "wh" questions continue. Yes, he is still the same little boy shy, sensitive, loving, but somewhere along the line he is beginning to assert himself in the choice of eating out, making definite choices when shopping, doing his own laundry. ( washing, drying folding ,putting it away!). It actually gives me a kick when he says he wants to eat momos, because that is one of his language goals . What/where do you...